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Volume 3, issue 2 (February, 1986)

Table of Contents
Commodore's New Disk Drive26
Meet the 1571. C-128 owners will find that Commodore's new disk drive offers some vast improvements - especially in the speed an capacity - over the 1541. Here's an overview of what you can expect.
Jim Borden
Ultra Hi-Res Graphics - A Breaktrough On Your C-12834
They said it couldn't be done. But this article proves them wrong. Not only can you generate high-resolution graphics in 80-column mode on your C-128, but these graphics rival that of the IBM PC and Amiga.
Louis R. Wallace, David P. Darus
C-128 Custom Character Sets42
You're not limited to the C-128's standard characters when you can create your own - from a foregin language symbol to a lightning bolt. This article shows you how.
Isaac Malitz
Telecommunications: On-Line with Medical Services50
These on-line medical services make instant house calls. They provide professional advice, extensive information and the opportunity to ask questions and share concerns about any health-related topic.
Margaret Morabito
Tax Deductor's Delight66
This program lets you file, sort, total, print and save all records that pertain to Schedule A of Form 1040.
Barbara Schulak
New Names for Old Disk74
The 1541's disk operating system doesn't provide a command for renaming disks. But we do...
Robert Dickow
Fast-Food Chef80
If you've ever considered a career in the fast-food business, this program is great preparation.
George Decker
RUNning Ruminations6
$2A5: Funny Valentine
$2A6: Better video display
$2A7: Colorful Print Shop
$2A8: Modem buyer's guide
$2A9: QuantumLink scrolling
$2AA: C-128 slow listing
$2AB: C-128 bytes free
$2AC: C-128 ESC key
$2AD: C-128 40/80 display key sense
$2AE: C-128 tab stops
$2AF: Spritebusters
$2B0: Racehorse
$2B1: Easy SEQ file viewing
$2B2: Reading the status variable
$2B3: Disk drive speed adjustment
$2B4: Fast Load flakiness
$2B5: Fast Load and drive 9
$2B6: Propability function
$2B7: Input with variable default
$2B8: Unprotector
$2B9: Magazine indexing
$2BA: Cartridge repair
Louis F. Sander
Software Gallery16
CalKit; Fast Tracks; Snowdrifts and Sunny Skies; Maps 64 USA; Real Estate 64; The Whole Bit; The Halley Project
Susan Tanona
Computers in Education - The Resource Center106
How you solve the problem of giving students access time with a limited amount of equipment? Read how one small scheool system makes a little go a long way with networking. And the solution is not as expensive as you might think.
Margaret Morabito
Commodore Clinic110
Jim Strasma
Hardware Gallery114
Okidata 128; MIDI Interface; Super Graphix Printer Interface
Susan Tanona
Checksums for 1985 Programs118
New Products RUNdown122
Six-Part Harmony Music System; The Artworx Program Exchange; Telelcommunications Printer; Sesame Street Software; Wargames; Commodore Carrier; For Computer Lovers Everywhere; C-128 Word Processor; Speakers for Your Computer; Whole Body Health Management; Bilbo Lives; Votalker C-64; Three New Games; Bottoms Up; New Testament on Disk
Harold R. Bjornsen
How to Type In Listings126
RUN Amok127
Corrections for Hardware Buyer's Guide (November 1985), Software Buyer's Guide 1985 - Part I (December 1985), Credit-Card Keeper (December 1985) and 64 BasicAid (December 1985).
Coming Attractions128

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Read the small print. Last updated Jul 10, 2003